state capitalism

美 [steɪt ˈkæpɪtəlɪzəm]英 [steɪt ˈkæpɪtəlɪzəm]
  • 网络国家资本主义;国家资本主义制度
state capitalismstate capitalism


an economic system that is primarily capitalistic but there is some degree of government ownership of the means of production


  1. An Analysis on the Nature of State Capitalism of Sovereign Wealth Fund


  2. We may label them international capitalism and state capitalism .


  3. Capitalist industry and commerce must be gradually guided towards state capitalism .


  4. Now they see a challenge from a new , self-confident model of state capitalism .


  5. The leading role of state capitalism in the main industries was replaced by private capitalism .


  6. Chapter 2 : It discusses the transforming problem of state capitalism towards capitalism industry and commerce .


  7. The transformation of capitalism into socialism is to be accomplished through state capitalism .


  8. For instance , state capitalism , as stipulated , is to be put into practice gradually .


  9. State capitalism is hardly a new phenomenon , but it is very much in the ascendant at the moment .


  10. The People-based Concept and the Salary Management of Construction Enterprise Capitalist industry and commerce must be gradually guided towards state capitalism .


  11. Putin has no ideological preference for state capitalism but the government knows that private companies are harder to boss around .


  12. When people think of state capitalism , China springs to mind , with its giant and opaque government-controlled firms .


  13. The growth of the economic regulations , such as goods exchange , free market and state capitalism , played an important role in evolution of law .


  14. The two forms of economic organization - State Capitalism and International Capitalism are in competition with each other . Neither of them is attractive .


  15. Looking from practical effect , the state capitalism in the field of transportation policy promoted the development of traffic , had the obvious effect on the changes .


  16. The theoretical foundation of the rise of SWFs includes the theory of the international capital flow , the national economic rationality and the new state capitalism theory .


  17. It may be given the label of " state capitalism " as distinct from the international capitalism championed by the Washington Consensus .


  18. Then at an appropriate time , monopoly capital accumulated to a stage where country machine and financial capital jointly developed into an " organized state capitalism " .


  19. The evolution of BGI is not a straightforward story of Chinese ascendancy , or a victory for China 's model of state capitalism .


  20. An EU official says : The subsidies issue is nothing less than a question of how to address state capitalism within a liberal global trading order .


  21. Thus a central part of his socialist ideas included encouraging private capital to develop but exercising control over it , while focusing on the development of state capitalism .


  22. While the fear is a protectionist response , the west should use the growth of state capitalism to force positive changes in the investing countries ' home markets .


  23. Because of their recent economic successes and the western financial crisis , their policy makers increasingly see state capitalism as the solution , and private enterprise and free markets as problems .


  24. State Capitalism in the Initial State of Socialism ; The proletariat of each country must , of course , first of all settle matters with its own bourgeoisie .


  25. Others , such as Italy 's Silvio Berlusconi , have seen an opportunity to construct a new state capitalism to shield their industries from outsiders .


  26. At a time of uncertainty for the multilateral trading system , this issue of state capitalism is an area where the world trade organisation should see whether some ground rules are possible .


  27. It include that replacing surplus grain to collect with crop tax ; recover the trade freedom ; allowing coexistence of various economic composition ; running through socialism by state capitalism .


  28. In fact China seems to be embracing state capitalism more strongly each year , rather than continuing to move toward the economic reform goals that originally drove its pursuit of WTO membership .


  29. It will take at least three to five years to lead the country 's private industry and commerce basically onto the path of state capitalism , so there should be no cause for alarm or uneasiness .


  30. Its main content includes taking the place of the system of collecting residual foodstuff with foodstuff tax , utilizing market to develop business and free trade , and utilizing capitalism especially state capitalism as intermediate to socialism .
